My latest droppings....


Good Morning

- So much for the come back huh? Ahhh how we start out with the best intentions, and more often then not when it's a promise I've made to myself I break it easily.
But here I am, trying to "nourish my inner twinkle".
I've purchased a book by Brook Noel titled, Good Morning. It is full of 365 inspirational messages for every day of the year. I thought perhaps since my day is usually guided by my morning it wouldn't hurt to try to start things out positively.
My mornings are typically spent trying to stay calm as I get ready, half asleep with a 19 month old toddler screaming at me to hold him. In a frazzled rush I take a shower, with him peeking in the curtain sometimes throwing clean laundry I've folded into the shower so that I must dry it again.
I put my make-up on while he sits on my dresser insisting I give him more mousse to run through his hair.
He screams at me while I dry my hair because he doesn't like the blow dryer and then he screams some more because I can't hold him while I try to get dressed. Lovely way to start the morning.
I then wake my 11 year old up, who takes FOREVER to stir. He's so at that age. And, I take the baby in to get dressed which is an event in itself.
Typically, by the time I'm leaving the house (on time) I have to turn around and go back into the house 3 more times for things I've forgotten (causing me to now be late).
I bought the book and thought, when will I have time to start my morning with this thing? There's no way. But, wait. Hope. I typically arrive at my place of work 10 minutes before the hustle and bustle. 10 minutes before everyone rushes in and needs something. 10 minutes of peace.... and quiet.... away from my children..... before the stress starts. The perfect opportunity to read my quote for the day and ponder it the way it should be pondered.
I read the first quote and was instantly inpired to start my blog again. A basic, Make time for You, quote it was.
I logged on that night, and wrote the Come Back. I felt great! This was going to be a really good thing for me.
Then, something crazy happened. I found my 10 minutes at working to be slipping slowly by. I would read e-mails first and get sucked in before I read my "Good Morning".
Needless to say, I began beating myself up and feeling very guilty about wanting to blog about this book, spending the money, and then not making the time to read it.
So today I thought..... when it becomes another task to get done, it isn't helping anymore. Who cares if I have to miss some of the Good Mornings? I'll read them again next year. So this morning, I didn't get to read my quote. But I came home, I just put my toddler to bed. The eleven year old is watching a movie, and I found myself with some time. I read my quote now, and it was just as effective. I decided I wanted to blog about it. I ended up writing this explanation for what was going on.
Am I going to blog about the quote? Not tonight. I needed to get this down. I feel better. Now I'm tired. So this is enough. And I'm fine with that. I'll blog tomorrow's quote... Perhaps.