My latest droppings....


I thought Pregnancy was Supposed to be a Wonderful time?

So, I'm on this pregnancy website this morning because I like to check in occasionally and see what I can be expecting this week. And, I go to the bulletins for other expecting women that are due in July. Well, I read multiple posts about how beautiful pregnancy is, and round bellies are attractive, and this is supposed to be the greatest time of a woman's life. Well, one... I've been through it before so try to bullshit the first timers, and two... what exactly is supposed to be so great?
I understand the whole... it's a miracle that you're creating life, thing but I don't get why I am supposed to feel excited about the process. The whole thing is uncomfortable. I thought... well, maybe I am just bitter because I have been so sick... so I thought I would make a list of the pros and cons of pregnancy.

I vomit all the time (although less now than in the beginning)
When I can eat, I have to think about what something will taste like coming back up, just in case I vomit.
I wake up throughout the night to pee.
I can't have a beer.
Smells nauseate the hell out of me.
I can't get comfortable sleeping on my stomach anymore.
I can't have soda.
I can't eat my favorite kinds of cheese anymore
I am tired ALL THE TIME
I can't go out and party unless everything is done by 6 p.m.
I can't fit in my cute clothes anymore
I can't get in a sauna to relax my aching muscles.
I HAVE achy muscles
I constantly have crampy feelings because of the adjustments my abdomen is making
I have so much saliva its rediculous
I have to remember to take 3 different medications throughout the day.
My back is killing me!!
I want to rearrange furniture and I can't.
I can't wear my contacts, because for some reason I can't see as well out of them anymore.
I missed my favorite foods over the holidays!
I was so sick I couldn't enjoy the holidays
I was in bed by 8 p.m. on New Year's Eve, except when I woke up to throw up and saw fireworks outside my window.
I hate all the advice that people give me.... you'd think they would stop when it's your second one, but no chance.
I hate needing help because I'm overtired or because I can't lift or do certain things anymore.
All my shoes hurt my feet (and they are so cute)
People I hardly know suddenly want to talk to me. With high squeaky voices of congratulations etc.
All the kicking once the baby is big enough. Corbin really used to hurt me... it's so uncomfortable.
ALL the doctor's appt's that take time out of my work day.
Having nothing else to talk about because its the only thing that going on in your life right now.
I could go on and on.... but I'll stop there for a while.
And before I go into pros of being pregnant, let me just say this is not a pros and cons list for once you actually have the baby. I have many pros for having a child, but it's the actual pregnancy I'm focusing on here, and trust me when I say I'm being generous.

It is nice when you get to hear the baby's heartbeat.
You can be a little more rude and blame it on hormones.
Ummm..... Can someone else help me out here? Anyone??

Yeah... that's what I thought. I think I have proven my point.

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