My latest droppings....


Expanding Tip Jars

I happen to be one who throws the change (no bills though) into tip jars when they are sitting there, however I frequently ask myself why I do this. When I opened up MSN and saw the above picture with the following title: What's with all those Tip Jars?
I had to read it. (

I find it apalling myself that there are more and more tip jars sitting next to registers where the employee hardly has to offer any kind of customer service. I find them out at Subway a lot. Granted.... okay... some of the folks make my sandwich a little better than the others, but really, they are just making a sandwich. You can't screw it up too bad when I'm standing there telling you exactly what to put on it and I'm watching you to make sure you're doing it right. Typically, I pay, get my own drink and find my own seat. I even clean off my own table when I'm done eating. No one comes out from behind the bar to ask if I would like a re-fill. So, what exactly am I tipping for? That you were able to perform the requirement of your job? Now, I have seen them at places where there are shows put on.... like the fudge shops. They are cooking the fudge in front of you and they sell the fudge when it's done.... but MAN they can put on a damn good performance as well. And they sing the same songs each time with a type of cheeriness that says they never get tired of doing it. THIS I will tip for and don't mind it. Maybe I should put a tip jar on my desk. I do my job well, perhaps my employees and coworkers would tip me? Maybe my boss would? I think why I even bother throwing my change into other's jars and it is simply because when it's only 75 cents, I feel like a cheapskate if I'm seen pocketing it. But the truth is, I want my 75 cents. I have a son that it comes in handy for at school lunches. Do employers even know that some of their employees are doing this? I just don't get it.


The Late, Great C-Section Debate

Okay, so my title doesn't exactly make sense, but I liked it anyway.

As you all know, though I don't really have any readers yet, I have become part of a pregnancy web-site. It is very informative, and I like following what my baby is doing week by week. Like most of the pregnancy sites out there, it also has message boards.

Most of the topics on these boards, albeit informative, actually kind of gross me out. They involve a lot of question from mother's to be about smelly discharge and lumps found 'down there'. In my opinion, go straight to your doctor for these problems. However, there is a lot of motivation and enthusiasm to be found as well. First time mothers who are scared and would just like advice, and mothers who are very excited to 'post' at the top of their lungs that they are "HAVING A BOY". I respond to posts that I feel I have any knowledge at all in that might help the other person out or comfort them in some way. Otherwise, I leave them alone as I am not going to post just to see my name (that's what this site is for:)
I do believe due to one posting I have been outcast from the group. What will I do now?
The subject line read c-section versus natural.

The initial post, in a nutshell was a woman wanting to know why people would elect to have c-sections. I had an unplanned c-section with my first child. I am now electing to have a c-section with my second child, so I thought I would tell her why I was doing so.

I won't go through the entire lengthy post again here, but roughly I stated that I was electing to have a second c-section because I had weighed the risks (which were very low in both cases of a.) having a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) and b.) a cesearean.
In all honesty I can say the complications of my old incision possibly ripping open during a VBAC scares the daylights out of me more than the complications of a c-section gone awry.

Yes, I understand that the possibility of something going wrong in either case is like 2%, but human fear is not always logical people! I am much more comfortable with what I am familiar with. I am familiar with a c-section. I know what to expect in delivery and in recovery.

I was bombarded with remarks from mother's who obviously look down their keyboards at me now about how natural child birth is the best thing etc. etc. etc. I have to say.... most had not even had their first babies yet which kind of frustrated me.
What frustrated me more was, I was not attacking anyone. The post asked why would someone elect to have a c-section. I was answering the question.

What I further thought was, why do these women care what I'm choosing to do? It's none of their business. It's a personal choice. Why do they let my choice bother them so much. It further got twisted into celebraties who have c-sections just because they can. Who cares, if they have the money and they aren't afraid of surgery? My son was no less healthy than babies that are delivered vaginally. Are there actual reasons (besides the know complications) that a vaginally delivered baby is any 'better' than a baby delivered by c-section? If it makes those women more comfortable who cares that they do it? I don't believe that my friend who delivered vaginally is a better mother than I am....
So what exactly is the big deal? Just because it's not the way you would do it, does that make it wrong?


Do NOT feel up this pregnant woman

So, because its happening more and more amongst friends and strangers alike, I felt the need to blog about this appaling act. At first I thought that maybe this was a feeling I felt alone. Am I the only pregnant person who feels violated when somenoe automatically assumes they can rub a part of my body without an invitation? To me, to rub someone, baby in there or not, is an extremely personal thing. I don't rub your belly, or grab your crotch or breast.... well, at least not without an invitation. "But we wanna feel the baby!" they say. Well, one you can't feel the actual baby yet, so you are just rubbing me and two, if you didn't help create the baby you are not entitled to share something that I think is very intimate. That being said, when I get to a stage where others can feel the baby kick, I do invite some friends to feel. But it is a RARE occasion. And friend or not friend (and especially stranger) don't just reach out and touch! It's rude!

I recently searched for blogs or articles from other's that feel the same way and found a wonderful post on one of my new favorite blogger's blogs. If you have time, check it out, andby all means.... don't rub our bellies!

I thought Pregnancy was Supposed to be a Wonderful time?

So, I'm on this pregnancy website this morning because I like to check in occasionally and see what I can be expecting this week. And, I go to the bulletins for other expecting women that are due in July. Well, I read multiple posts about how beautiful pregnancy is, and round bellies are attractive, and this is supposed to be the greatest time of a woman's life. Well, one... I've been through it before so try to bullshit the first timers, and two... what exactly is supposed to be so great?
I understand the whole... it's a miracle that you're creating life, thing but I don't get why I am supposed to feel excited about the process. The whole thing is uncomfortable. I thought... well, maybe I am just bitter because I have been so sick... so I thought I would make a list of the pros and cons of pregnancy.

I vomit all the time (although less now than in the beginning)
When I can eat, I have to think about what something will taste like coming back up, just in case I vomit.
I wake up throughout the night to pee.
I can't have a beer.
Smells nauseate the hell out of me.
I can't get comfortable sleeping on my stomach anymore.
I can't have soda.
I can't eat my favorite kinds of cheese anymore
I am tired ALL THE TIME
I can't go out and party unless everything is done by 6 p.m.
I can't fit in my cute clothes anymore
I can't get in a sauna to relax my aching muscles.
I HAVE achy muscles
I constantly have crampy feelings because of the adjustments my abdomen is making
I have so much saliva its rediculous
I have to remember to take 3 different medications throughout the day.
My back is killing me!!
I want to rearrange furniture and I can't.
I can't wear my contacts, because for some reason I can't see as well out of them anymore.
I missed my favorite foods over the holidays!
I was so sick I couldn't enjoy the holidays
I was in bed by 8 p.m. on New Year's Eve, except when I woke up to throw up and saw fireworks outside my window.
I hate all the advice that people give me.... you'd think they would stop when it's your second one, but no chance.
I hate needing help because I'm overtired or because I can't lift or do certain things anymore.
All my shoes hurt my feet (and they are so cute)
People I hardly know suddenly want to talk to me. With high squeaky voices of congratulations etc.
All the kicking once the baby is big enough. Corbin really used to hurt me... it's so uncomfortable.
ALL the doctor's appt's that take time out of my work day.
Having nothing else to talk about because its the only thing that going on in your life right now.
I could go on and on.... but I'll stop there for a while.
And before I go into pros of being pregnant, let me just say this is not a pros and cons list for once you actually have the baby. I have many pros for having a child, but it's the actual pregnancy I'm focusing on here, and trust me when I say I'm being generous.

It is nice when you get to hear the baby's heartbeat.
You can be a little more rude and blame it on hormones.
Ummm..... Can someone else help me out here? Anyone??

Yeah... that's what I thought. I think I have proven my point.